Getting a new stair-lift? A stair-lift can make the home a lot more convenient, accessible, and safe for seniors or those with physical limitations. Before you buy or use your new lift, make sure that you follow standard operating recommendations to prevent accidental injuries or problems at home.

Five ways to maintain safety and ensure satisfaction with your new stair-lift are:

1.       Keep the stairs and landings clutter-free. The safest way to use a lift is to get rid of clutter that could be on the steps or landings around the lift. These can cause trouble when the lift is in-use and encounters objects, and could additionally create a fall hazard to the user when getting on and off the stair-lift.

2.       Curb access of pets and kids. To further reinforce safety, keep kids and pets away from the lift when it is in use. Not only can pets damage the tracks and cause a problem for the user, but they could potentially become injured in the process. Teach kids early that the lift is not intended to be a toy and to treat it with respect.

3.       Watch what you carry. Don't attempt to transport heavy loads, such as a second person, or liquids on the lift; both of these situations can damage the lift, which may incur additional costs to the user. Even a glass of water spilled onto the lift's mechanisms can cause issues with operation, which may require professional repair assistance.

4.       Have the lift checked-out annually. Most stair-lift manufacturers recommend that you have annual inspections of your lift to make sure there are no mechanical problems and to service it as needed. When buying a new lift, look for retailers that provide service after the sale as well as repairs as needed.

5.       Skip second-hand and opt for new lifts. Buying a second-hand lift may seem like a good deal, but you could be borrowing trouble. Used lifts that are not refurbished and guaranteed by the seller may have inherent issues that could interfere with your satisfaction. Only buy from professionals who install the lift for you which eliminates errors when setting up the mobility device.

Could you use increased access around your home? Talk to your providers and mobility professionals to determine if a stair-lift makes sense for you, and pay heed to these five suggestions to ensure safety and satisfaction with your new lift.
