Watching a parent grow older and become less independent is one of the most painful parts of life for most adult children. This is especially true when these children have many good memories of their own childhood and the way in which they were parented with strength and independence. Adult children who find themselves in a caretaker role for an elderly parent can help them remain in their home and bolster their independence by using the following suggestions. 

1. Hire out the home maintenance tasks that have become too difficult or dangerous

One of the first problems an elderly parent will face as they grow older and less physically capable is handling home maintenance chores. Mowing the grass, shoveling snow, cleaning gutters, and even some types of household chores, such as vacuuming, mopping, and heavy cleaning that once were handled easily may now become difficult or risky.

Setting up ongoing maintenance services with service contractors who will perform these chores regularly is an excellent way to prevent an elderly parent from injuring themselves while attempting to do them. In addition, doing so will help keep the home safe and in good repair so that your elderly parent can remain independent for as long as possible. 

2. Enlist the help of siblings, grandchildren, and friends

Regular interaction with family and friends is also helpful in allowing an elderly parent to live independently and happily for as long as possible. Adult children who are acting as caregivers for an elderly parent can encourage this interaction by hosting dinners and gatherings at their parent's home. In addition, it can be helpful for siblings, older grandchildren, and friends to work out a rotating schedule so that someone drops in for a short visit with the elderly loved one every day or two. 

3. Consider adding some level of senior care to keep the situation manageable

Adult children who are attempting to provide care for an elderly parent while also working full-time and raising a family may find they lack the amount of time to do so. This can also be a problem when the adult child and their parent are separated by more than a few miles. Adding some level of quality senior care services is an excellent way to overcome this problem. Many senior care services are available for daily, weekly, or live-in care arrangements. 

For more information, take time to discuss your situation with a competent senior care services provider like Penelope's People. These caring professionals will be able to assist adult children in taking better care of their elderly parent while also helping them retain some level of independence. 
